
How To Escape Poverty If You’re Born Poor

Most people think poverty is simply lack of money. Poverty is a mentality and Lack of money is the chronic stage.

Poverty is like HIV and Lack of Money is like AIDS .

HIV can be present in the body for many years without any symptoms until it breaks down all it’s defenses and turn to AIDS.

That’s exactly how Poverty works. It is first a mentality. It’s not obvious. You grow up with it then it gets to the chronic stage of lack of money after destroying all your ability to create wealth.

You’re first poor in mind before you lack money.

The way my rich friends talk are quite different from my poor friends.

My poor friends always 

  • see scarcity 
  • Have excuse for why they’re poor 
  • Suspicious of the rich for being dubious 

Whereas my rich friends always speak the opposite.

Check your circle, and eliminate those who speak poorly about money or see scarcity at all times. Distance yourself from them. Even if they’re are your family members.

Always believe there’s abundance and you’re capable of having them.

Go out there and do things you would ordinarily not do because of money. Expand your mind. 

I will leave you with this quote by Bill Gates 

“If you’re born Poor, it’s not your fault but if you die poor is your fault “

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