
Everyone Seemed To Be Successful Except me!

Especially in this world of social media where if you’re not a confident person you would fall into depression thinking you’re a total failure.

Don’t be carried away by the similes success of others but focus on where you’re going.

Reasons why you may be feeling this way 

  1. It could be your natural intuition telling you the truth that you’re lagging behind on your goals. Because no one is stopping you.
  2. You may be too scared to set big goals so when you see young people like yourself doing amazing things, it makes you want to beat yourself up.
  3. You may not be strategizing correctly. Activities is not equal productivity.
  4. You’re not counting your blessings. Maybe you’re like me who is an overachiever. Always looking forward and not stopping to count your blessings.
  5. You’re not patient enough ; You may have put in all the works and have been focus but everything needs time. Your own time is coming. Just continue and remember to be patient while putting in the work.

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