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The Average Nigerian Woman

The average Nigerian woman has no dream of her own. Her dream is to find a man who has dreams. Now this does not mean she is lazy. 

Our women are some of the most hardworking ever. But we have no solid life plan. Marrying a rich man is the life plan.

That is why when asked where we see ourselves in the next 3 years, some of our women reply “marrying a billionaire husband” and not “being a billionaire wife”. If you talk they scream “freedom of choice” and label you jealous. 

Some girls dropped out of university to be married. Cute. People drop out of university all the time. But what are you doing after?

This is not about marriage but money. It would never hurt if as women we aspire to be rich.

We have to have dreams of our own. We don’t have to abandon our lives by marrying a rich man.

I always read interviews and watch videos of women who are or were married to wealthy, influential men but were never rich themselves. It shows when divorce comes in to play.

These women all have one thing in common; not having an identity or a life of their own which made them exceedingly miserable.

Jada, Will Smith’s wife said she cried for 45 days straight because she hated her life. She was married to a wealthy, loving man and was a mother. But she felt she had nothing of her own. 

Her husband built her a house and named it after her. She was miserable still. He threw her a birthday party and invited all the top guns. She ran. Nobody could fathom why she had everything yet cried every day. It created a rift in her marriage.

The reason? Apart from being a wife and a mother, she said she had nothing of her own. 

That was part of the reason she got out and started acting again and doing her talk show. Not for the money, but for the purpose. 

Same thing with Chrissy. She talked of a time when she attended an event with John years ago. Big celebrities like Oprah, Jay, Bey and all of them were there. 

Someone asked her “what do you do?” She couldn’t reply. She ran into John’s trailer, locked up herself and cried all through. She said she felt unworthy to be there.

In your quest for a billionaire husband, what are you bringing to the table? Would he be proud to be seen with you?

As great as it is to be a billionaire’s wife, you need a dream and an identity of your own.

What happens if you end up with a billionaire or an influential man? Will you be worthy of him? Real recognizes real.

Do you think if Barack Obama had married someone whose biggest dream is to be a billionaire’s wife, he would be proud to show her off?

Michelle Obama is one of the most outstanding first ladies America ever had. Why? Because she had a purpose and an identity of her own.

I’m not telling you to want more for yourself just in case you don’t snag a billionaire. I’m telling you to want more for yourself just in case you DO find a billionaire so he doesn’t consider you unworthy.

Unless you have the beauty of Regina, no billionaire wants a mediocre woman. Heck, Regina worked hard. Acting since she was 6. She was a star in her own right before billionaire came.

What are you doing to better yourself? What are your dreams for yourself?

The truth is, the easiest way to ensure you meet rich and influential people is by being one yourself.  That is why the rich marry the rich.

This is not from a place of malice, condescension or even feminism. Want more for yourself. When you dream, be selfish. Apart from wishing your husband and kids greatness and wealth, wish same for yourself. For you as a person. In your own right.

You deserve it.

The “Money Makeover” book would help you greatly in personal finances.

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